Listen To Coldplay’s ‘Adventure of a Lifetime’, It’s Gorgeously Joyful

coldplay adventure of a lifetime

Coldplay has just released ‘Adventure of a Lifetime‘, the first single from their upcoming new album A Head Full of Dreams and, man, is this a catchy one.

ItĀ kicks off with the most amazingly happy guitar intro, quickly followed by an upbeat melody and a rocking beat that just makes you want to throw down whatever you were doing and dance.

Or, if you are me, there’s no ‘makes you want’ about it. You just dance.

And, sure, the legions of people who hate Coldplay will get their hate on and attack ‘Adventure of a Lifetime‘ just like they always do everything Coldplay releases.

But let’s face it, this is a fun, cool, gorgeously joyful song and it’s going to sell millions of downloads. So, whatever.

Adventure of a Lifetime‘ is the fifth track on Coldplay’s A Head Full of Dreams, an album that, according to frontman Chris Martin, is the band’s last.

Or is it?

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As Martin said last year when he first talked about the album,Ā  “I have to think of it as the final thing we’re doing. Otherwise we wouldn’t put everything into it.”

Nope. It doesn’t sound to me like they’re done yet.

Now listen to Coldplay’s ‘Adventure of a Lifetime‘ in the audio video below. It is such a kickass song, it is easily one of my favorite new releases of the last few weeks.

The album itself was produced in London and L.A., and releases on December 4th.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.