4 Non Blondes ‘What’s Up’ – Fabulous Song to Drive Fast to (Video)

4 non blondes what's up


Remember this fabulous song? 4 Non Blondes singing ‘What’s Up‘ from way back in 1993? It’s my Repeat Rotation Video today as I’m in the mood for a rocking song, and this one definitely hits the spot.

Sure, it was the only hit 4 Non Blondes had, and they didn’t stay together much longer than it took to get it but…..I remember fondly all those times I used to drive as fast as I could on the freeway heading to Dallas, with ‘What’s Up’ cranked as high as it would go, as it just made driving that much more fun.

Honestly, nothing more ‘deep’ than that with choosing this song today – only that 4 Non Blondes singing ‘What’s Up’ was a great way to pass the journey and make me feel good while I was doing it, and lead singer Linda Perry had a raucously amazing voice.

Listen to ‘What’s Up’ in the video below and, this one, definitely loud, with headphones and dancing (although eyes closed is entirely up to you).

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.