6 Times Conchita Wurst Made Me Laugh – She’s Very Funny (Videos)

conchita wurst on The Project Australia

If you have watched Conchita Wurst videos on YouTube or interviews with her on TV, you will probably know by now she is not only beautiful, smart, and interesting to listen to, she is also hilariously funny. Which might seem strange if you have heard her talk about how she doesn’t think she’s a funny person at all.

In reality, however, Conchita Wurst is very very funny. So funny, I always look forward to new videos being released as I know, no matter what she’s talking about, she will invariably make me laugh.

That’s because she’s not only smart with the way she cracks jokes or makes fun of herself, she’s incredibly fast thinking as well. And when she does it in English, a second language for her, and one she has only really become exceptionally fluent in over the last year, it’s even more lovely to watch.

So, I thought today I would look at six times Conchita Wurst has made me laugh. Videos I can still replay after I’ve seen them five or ten times, and still laugh in the exact same place.

Some are just Conchita making funny comments, while others rely on her adorable mannerisms. One is where she’s just a massive flirt, and the last is where she didn’t intend to come off as funny at all, but did so because of all that adorable ‘cute’ she exudes.

How tall are you, and how much do you weigh?

Months after it was published, and this is still one of my favorite ‘Conchita Answers‘ videos. Because it’s not only that she looks gorgeous, is wearing the most stunning dress, and is just cute and sweet, it’s the bit where she gets to “Google it”, and then cannot stop laughing.

I’ve watched this 30 times, and I still laugh out loud when she says “Google is great”, and then giggles. Watch it below. Just try not to keel over from all the cute.

Conchita Wurst talking to Eurovision Ireland

This is Conchita before she won Eurovision being interviewed by Garrett Mulhall from Eurovision Ireland. She’s not the same Conchita she is today. She’s a bit more stereotypically ‘drag queen’, slightly more ‘pretending to be a girl’ than she is nowadays, and definitely a bit giddier. But she’s sweet and cute and exceptionally flirty, and lovely to watch.

Much of this video made me laugh, as she’s just so adorable, but two parts in particular were especially funny to me. The bit where she talks about the host of the talk show she’s just appeared on being “older”, and then realizes what she’s said and attempts to get herself out of a sticky situation.

The second part is where she’s talking about meeting French singer Anne Marie David and David told her “Don’t drink too much”. Then Conchita, of course, imitates herself intently listening while sucking down a glass of wine.

Cover shooting for Conchita’s ‘You Are Unstoppable’

This one is fabulous, as it’s completely unintentional on her part. It’s the bit where the photographer has obviously told her to “twirl”, (starting at 0.15 seconds in), so she’s doing her darndest to twirl like a pro. The problem is there’s a moment where she decides she’s going to blow a kiss to the camera followed by another huge twirl, and as she twirls that enormous skirt she’s wearing flies up a little to much.

And it’s the enormous laugh she does immediately after it that always makes me laugh, because you can tell from it and from this whole ‘You Are Unstoppable‘ shooting video she must be a delight to work with. Always in a good mood, always having fun, and never stomping off like a diva when things don’t go as planned.

She said “Darling” — “Well, she didn’t say darling, but in my mind…”

Conchita Wurst was on The Graham Norton Show a week after winning Eurovision, and during her appearance she was asked about getting a tweet from Cher.

She explains about the tweet with “She said “Darling”…”Well, she didn’t say darling, but in my mind she said it…”, and everyone in the audience and the guests on the stage scream laughing, including Graham Norton. And she’s funny because she makes fun of herself better than anyone else I know.

Then again, let’s face it, although Conchita herself has said it’s “lovely” up there in her head, you can only imagine what goes on in there half the time. Besides, it’s the way she tells it with that cute tilt of her head she sometimes does, and the eye roll, that makes you laugh even harder.

Conchita mimics herself talking to artists in the Eurovision green room

A few months ago, Conchita Wurst headed down under for her very first trip to Australia. While there, she appeared on several Australian TV shows, including ‘The Project‘. An interview that was funny the whole way through because she and the panel of hosts just ‘clicked’.

But there’s one moment where Conchita is talking about what it will be like to host the green room at the upcoming Eurovision 2015 in Vienna, and how she knows some of the artists will be so nervous waiting for the results they will not want to talk to her.

And it’s how she mimics herself asking them a question and then being rejected that is so funny I watched it 20 times. Because her comedic timing and her facial expressions are perfect.

Conchita on the Golden Globes red carpet

Then, of course, Conchita is sometimes funny without really intending to be. One such instance was when she was interviewed by a Greek news channel while on the red carpet at the Golden Globes back in January.

One of the questions she was asked was about Greece, and if she thought the country had made “good steps” when it came to human rights for everyone.

Now she’s normally pretty good at explaining this, but on this particular occasion she wasn’t sure how to answer about Greece in particular, so what she did say came out a little confusing. But the kicker for me, and the bit that made me laugh, was when she ended her answer with the phrase, “We should love more”.

Because I could see the wheels turning in her head as she frantically tried to figure out how she was going to finish, and then “We should love more” popped up and came to the rescue. A statement that didn’t really fit the question at all but, because she has that fabulous ability to say things with absolute conviction, most people are soon convinced that what she just said was genius.

But what made this even funnier, was quite a few Conchita Wurst fans picked up on the “We should love more” phrase, and it was repeated across social media for a few days after the Golden Globes ended, making me laugh even more.

Whether Conchita Wurst is funny because she intends to be, is hilarious because of her adorable mannerisms and brilliant comedic timing, or just makes me laugh because she knows exactly what to say to get herself out of a sticky situation, she’s always the perfect cure for a bad mood or an even worse day. And I really really appreciate her for that.

Finally, do feel free to leave me your favorite funny Conchita Wurst moments in the comment section below. I might just have missed some.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.