Conchita Wurst and Her Astounding Beauty: The Album Cover

new photo March 29, 2015

Not long after I wrote about Conchita Wurst’s lovely personality today, a photo was uploaded to her Facebook account, and then to her Twitter. A photograph that snatches your attention away from what you were planning on doing, and makes you write about her again. Well, at least it did for me.

Because here’s the thing about Conchita Wurst. When you think you’ve just seen her at her absolute most beautiful, she raises the stakes, and releases an image that shows her as so spectacularly beautiful it will soon end up saved on my computer with the file name “Are you f*cking serious”.

And what’s doubly astounding to me about Conchita Wurst and her extraordinary beauty is I live in a country (Thailand) where 90 percent of the women I see are drop dead gorgeous. So beauty isn’t exactly alien to me.

In fact most days, beauty is something that is so in my face I tend to overlook a lot of it. Besides, it’s the girls who aren’t particularly stunning that grab my attention, as they are just so rare.

Conchita Wurst and her beauty, though, are bewitching to me. Not just because of her beauty itself, but that she manages to pull off that beauty, which let me add is all woman, with a beard and as a man.

A beauty that is so captivating, and so arresting, you have to stop and stare.

And, me being me, I have a philosophy about this. About Conchita Wurst, her beauty, and why someone who isn’t actually the sex she appears to be is far more beautiful than most of the women who are.

It is all to do with her eyes or, more accurately, her heart and her soul. Because what makes Conchita Wurst beautiful isn’t just what’s on the outside — although that is lovely enough — it’s what can be subconsciously sensed coming from the inside too.

Her whole being, everything she thinks and feels and believes, her hopes and dreams and experiences, but all of this mixed in with an incredible, inherent innocence I’ve rarely seen in anyone. An innocence that colors everything she is. An innocence very much like that Marilyn Monroe had — childlike and guileless and endlessly appealing  — an innocence that radiates from those amazing eyes. A truly beautiful soul.

Because outer beauty is lovely to look at — for a moment. But inner beauty means you will never look away.

As for the “are you f*cking serious” photo we’ve been privileged to get today, Conchita Wurst has just announced it’s the cover for her upcoming debut album “Conchita” (releasing 15th May, 2015 – you can pre-order now on iTunes).

And can I just say, love, with that amazing cover, it’s going to sell a million.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.