Conchita Wurst at the Eiffel Tower: Beautiful Inside and Out (Video)

conchita eiffel tower 2 pretty


I start every day thinking “I’m not going to write about Conchita Wurst today”, as I actually do have a life. Then something new pops up on my radar and, fifteen minutes later, I’m writing about her. That’s what this girl does to me and I’m still not sure I like it. (Of course I do, honey, or I wouldn’t be here doing it!).

So today’s musings are about a French TV show filmed at the Eiffel Tower – Un Soir à la Tour Eiffel. (No. Nowhere special). A show Conchita Wurst was a guest on and one that, my first watch through, I thought “I’ll just write a quick blurb on this as it’s just all about ‘the pretty’.”

Unfortunately, with Conchita Wurst, while ‘the pretty’ is always front and center, it’s the thousands of layers beneath the surface my head always wanders off to. So that’s where I am today. With a little pretty thrown in. Of course.

It’s the sheer perfection

Conchita Wurst is always good in any interview she does but, here, she was perfect. A beautiful dress, elegant and understated, gorgeous make-up and hair, smart, sweet, funny and interesting, and a humble air of ‘yes, I know I’m a superstar in the making, but I’m always going to be grateful for every second of it, and thankful that people like me’. Now that. That’s nice.

And can I just ask, how on earth does she sit like that? Poised and posed and absolutely feminine, and with legs slanted in such a way you just can’t take your eyes off them. I’ve been a girl my whole life, and a pretty feminine one at that, and I don’t do that.

Of course, from the adorable host to the two delightful guests, they were captivated the moment she arrived. And that. That’s the way it should be.

The layers beneath

Today’s layers are really thoughts. But thoughts that make me happy. Because here’s what I always ‘get’ when I hear Conchita Wurst speak, and even more so in this French show – the spirit beneath all that glitz and glamour and she, she’s lovely.

That’s because, no matter how much she sometimes tries to hide what she’s thinking or feeling (she has to, to protect herself), if you know what to look for you’ll see quite quickly that as much as some of this ‘persona’ is an act (just like any celebrity up there) most of it is not.

The person beneath it really is kind and gentle, and genuine and honest, and adores her family (well, come on, lovely supportive parents and then there’s Oma and she’s kick ass), and is genuinely overwhelmed by all this attention, but loving every second of it.

That person has a sense of self that nothing that has happened to her has been able to break, and an absolute sweetness that, in a less strong person, would have left a long time ago. And I can’t even begin to explain how astounding that is.

From her comments about her mother and grandmother fighting over her dresses, to the way she talks about Oma and the skirt, why she likes her beard, what it was like when Tom realized he was gay and how he came to grow into acceptance of it, she’s honest and funny and touching.

In fact, she’s one of those rare people who is able to still be completely herself, and completely lovely, while still living the most remarkable life.

So I watch her at the Eiffel Tower and I think, forty years down the road when she’s one of the world’s most famous and most well-loved people, I have no fear she will disappoint because she will always be this way. Honest and genuine and sweet and kind, and always always herself. Rare that.

As for the French Eiffel Tower show itself – there are a couple of videos at their site you can watch. If you want to watch the entire show, however, as it’s blocked outside France, you’ll have to access it via VPN. I use this one and, for the basic service which always works, it’s free.


Conchita Wurst “Je suis un homme et j’aime les… by france2

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.