As someone who has spent 10 years writing online, I can tell you it’s rare anyone knows what type of article, photograph or video will hit big. Some you publish and the hits dribble in, while others are up 10 minutes and page views are in the thousands. So, it was interesting to me today to hear a friend talk about the number of people looking at a specific post on her Tumblr blog, and then reblogging or liking it. A specific post about Conchita Wurst.
The post is just a simple two GIF post — GIFs created from just seconds in time from a video of Conchita Wurst at the EU Parliament on Wednesday — and it’s called ‘In which an anonymous voice from the crowd says what we all think‘.
If you watched videos of Conchita Wurst’s speech outside the EU Parliament (which was fabulous, by the way), or you were lucky enough to see Conchita there live, you probably even know the bit.
The bit where Conchita Wurst says “You don’t have to love me, but you have to respect that I’m here” and a voice from the crowd shouts “but I love you”.
And what’s nice about this little moment in time — a moment where one lone person has the courage to say what many of us think when it comes to Conchita Wurst — it has touched people’s hearts.
As I write this, 8,526 people have liked or reblogged that one little post and that number is growing by several hundred an hour. Some of whom had never heard of Conchita Wurst before, or even knew what she stands for.
Now imagine, if that one person shouting from the crowd can affect so many people’s lives, even in this small way, and by just saying what she felt, how many people’s lives Conchita Wurst will change?
Think about it.
Because that girl………she’s going to move mountains.