Conchita Wurst Gives Good Interview: Some of Her Best (Video)

conchita wurst interviews


When I first discovered Conchita Wurst a few months ago, I watched every interview on video the Austrian singer has ever done. Some were good, some not so much, but all showed off her lovely personality as, although her answers weren’t always ‘on point’, she was still professional, polite, charming and kind — even when some interviewers asked some darned silly questions.

But, in the last couple of months, I’ve noticed a definite shift in Conchita Wurst’s interview skills to where they’ve become absolutely stellar. So much so, it’s pretty much a given, if there’s another interview up online, fans can be assured Conchita Wurst gives good interview. So it’s going to be well worth a watch.

Some of her better earlier interviews have been conducted by the wonderful Garrett Mulhall from Eurovision Ireland. He’s been the master of the Conchita interview since he first met her after her Irish television debut back in late 2013, when the responses he got from Conchita at the time made us laugh, cry, guffaw and croon to the screen “Awwwwww”.

Since then, he’s done three other interviews with the Austrian diva that are, quite simply, perfect. That’s because his interviewing style — well researched, professional but hilariously flirty — suits Conchita’s personality to a T, and she responds in kind.

But, what I’ve noticed in Conchita’s interviews in the last couple of months is she’s also carried over that comfortableness and the sense of feeling completely in control from Mulhall’s interviews to every interview she now gives. Maybe that’s the beauty of winning Eurovision, and the confidence it engenders, but I have to say it’s lovely to watch.

If you’d like to see Conchita Wurst give good interview, I’ve picked out a selection of interviews below that I think are some of her best. One from the amazing Garrett Mulhall, of course, and the rest from various trips she’s done around Europe in the last couple of months.

Watch all of them, and you’ll see how beautifully she handles every interview, how fearlessly and honestly she answers the questions, and how intelligent she seems in all of them.

Conchita Wurst gives good interview? You can darn well guarantee it.


This is Garrett Mulhall’s most recent interview with Conchita. See how comfortable she is, how obviously delighted she is to be interviewed by him again, and how much more ‘intimate’ her answers sometimes are than only a few months before.

A good interview with Independent Ireland where Conchita gets quite ‘annoyed’ about the lack of equal rights when it comes to same sex marriage. You go, girl.

In a radio interview in Sweden, Conchita talks about creating a community of like-minded people who don’t live their lives with bigotry and hate, Russia and homophobia, the impossibility of forbidding people to love who they want to love, and why you don’t have to love her. And, yes, she’s at her most intelligent here with some beautiful points about her beliefs, and why she shares them as much as she can.

Want to see Conchita Wurst at her most flirty? This interview is a good one, especially when you get to see what it’s like to kiss Conchita Wurst’s beard. Me, jealous? Nah. 🙂

Update – August 29th, 2014

Want to see Conchita interview to almost perfection? Her press conference in Finland will knock your socks off and, when I eventually meet her (which I will), I’ll have no choice but to bow at her feet.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.