Conchita Wurst Stars in MoMA Exhibit and in Poster Campaign All Over New York City

Conchita Wurst stars in MoMA New York exhibit

One thing has always fascinated me about Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst. How every new project she is involved in starts out as interesting enough, but then seems to snowball into something even bigger and with more importance than you initially expect.

Case in point, a new exhibit at New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). An exhibit with the innocuous name “Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015”.

An exhibit with just one small section of it featuring Conchita Wurst but, in such an attention-grabbing way, she has quickly become the star of it.

And an exhibit, I might add, in New York City one of the art capitals of the world, and in a country that knows virtually nothing about Eurovision.

But, in that city, and in less than a year, Conchita Wurst’s face has been on the world’s biggest billboard in the middle of Times Square, then televised for tens of millions to see on New Year’s Eve, and now she’s featured at MoMA.

But, in true Conchita fashion, she’s not just being seen by those that visit the MoMA exhibition. Because, no, that would be completely unConchita-like.

Instead, as this Vogue article explains (yep, she’s also in the US digital edition of Vogue) her face can be seen in subway stations and at bus stops all over New York as well.

And for me, someone who has never wavered from the idea that, in the not too distant future, this girl is going to be one of the world’s biggest superstars, this just makes me smile.

As it’s just one more completely perfect step on that golden path Conchita Wurst is placing down for herself. A path that is going to take her exactly where she wants to go.

The “Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015” exhibit is at MoMA from November 7th through March 20th, 2016. See it if you can. And, of course, watch the video of the gorgeous Ms. Wurst’s part in it below.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.