Conchita Wurst Starts Second Season of ‘Conchita Answers’ and It’s Fun (Video)

conchita answers season 2

Conchita Wurst is back on our YouTube screens today with a new video in her Conchita Answers series. You know, the web series where fans ask her the question they’re dying to know the answer to.

The latest video is technically the first of ‘Season Two’ of Conchita Answers (and technically not but, when you’ve been gone a while you might as well just name it ‘Season Two’ and be done with it. And so…she did).

And this first video in the season is delightful on many levels.

First, because it’s Conchita explaining about the events that caused a gap in the filming of Conchita Answers (promotion for her new book and, of course, her participation in Eurovision 2015) and, as usual, she’s flirty and charming, as well as quick-witted with that killer sense of humor she has.

She also answers the question about the tour for her new album. Will there be one and, if so, where? (Watch the video to find out).

Then there are Conchita’s gorgeous eyes because, unless my eyes are mistaken, she’s wearing colored contact lenses and, boy, do they make her eyes look mesmerizing. Sparkling so much as if her soul is captured right there in them.

conchita wurst eyes
Her eyes are so pretty

As for the rings she is wearing, they are from House of Bourgeois and are extravagant and quirky. If you’d like a closer look (they are unusual, and I specifically love the nail ring), Conchita photographed them herself last week for her Instagram page.

And onto Conchita herself, because one of the first things that struck me here was how she is still changing and growing and creating herself at a remarkable speed.

Because this time last year — as she was trying to make a place for herself in that persona she is always still molding — she had a tendency to sometimes end up speaking English like someone who accidentally fell out of the Victorian era. You know, quite a bit formal.

Nowadays, however, she is so fluent in the language, she’s much more laid-back with how she speaks, she uses more slang, and she just gives off an aura of someone who is completely comfortable and happy with where her persona ended up. Then again, why wouldn’t she be. She really is just lovely.

And finally, just a quick comment on this first video of the second season of Conchita Answers, because I think it’s beautifully produced. From the way the title of the video pops up as she points to it, to the cute segment where she’s flying through the air at rapid speed, and onto the sound effects. It’s very well done, and makes the whole video even more fun.

So, watch the first video in Season 2 of Conchita Answers below.You’ll find out if she has a tour planned, and which perfume she loves the most. Oh, and yes, there’s a whole lot of cute and a tongue flick.

Honestly, we couldn’t ask for anything more.

**Remember to subscribe to Conchita Wurst’s channel if you haven’t already. You’ll get notices when she releases new videos, and it helps promote her career. Really. It does.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.

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