Conchita Wurst Wows UK Radio But Kills It with Jo Good on BBC Radio London

Conchita Wurst just spent the last week doing a whirlwind publicity tour for the release of her debut album in the UK. Her album Conchita, which released in Europe back in May, saw a late release in the United Kingdom, which actually seemed to work out well for Conchita herself as she had time to promote it.

And promote it she certainly did.

Traveling up and down the country for interviews on various British radio stations, a book signing at FOPP in Covent Garden, and a TV appearance on ITV’s ‘This Morning, I have honestly rarely seen anyone work as hard as she did last week. (Yet she still looked drop dead gorgeous while she was doing it).

And, while they were all extremely nice appearances (well, they always are with Conchita), it was the BBC radio shows I enjoyed the best — and one show in particular.

The interview Conchita Wurst did with BBC Radio London with Jo Good. A woman who adored her and, because of that she got a lot more out of her than some of the other interviewers did.

Conchita on BBC Radio London with Jo Good

What is interesting about Conchita is she often seems more herself on radio shows, I think, than on TV, as she is far more spontaneous.

Because on TV she is an extremely controlled person, always being careful what she says, and with her emotions held in check.

I am guessing that could be because of the more intimate nature of radio, which is often just two or three people in a small recording booth. Whatever the reason, this was definitely the case in her interview with Jo Good, which was an absolute delight.

Because Jo obviously adored her from the second she walked in the room, and Conchita loved her too.

Thus, what we got was an interview hosted by someone who treated her in such a down-to-earth and friendly way and, in return, we got an incredibly open and honest Conchita. A Conchita I thought was lovelier here than almost anywhere.

The interview started out with Conchita complimenting Jo on what she was wearing, and with that segment ending with Conchita commenting about Jo wearing flat shoes, “Flats are the new black”.

Which made me laugh out loud, as she said the same thing to me when I met her a couple of weeks ago, but Jo got it in a nice way whereas I got it in a more “why are you so stupidly wearing stilettos that are killing your feet” way (yes, Conchita Wurst basically told me I was an ass – thanks, love.).

We were then treated to a delightful conversation about Conchita wearing a Buddhist-inspired dress (yes, she did look like a Buddhist monk in her saffron dress which, for me living in Thailand, meant she looked like a stunning version of half the people on my street), and a Jo Good astounded by how gorgeously tanned Conchita’s legs were without tights.

Jo also got out of Conchita a funny story I had not heard before about bitchy comments one unnamed Eurovision contestant made about her blowing kisses to her fans at Eurovision 2014.

See, she was more honest here, more herself and far less the perfect Conchita she’s always trying to be.

And, while I love, love, love perfect Conchita, because she is beautiful to look at and I wouldn’t change her for the world, I like less-than-perfect Conchita just as much. After all, she is the one I would want to hang out with, because she’s the one who is real.

Other things in the interview that were fabulous 

When Conchita Wurst talks about the LGBTI community knowing how to party and about gays being lovely to have around and ends it with “I mean, I love my gays”. Because, while it made me laugh, I have got to say I’m with you there, love.

She then went on to talk about how much she loves that London has paparazzi “because it’s fun”. And it was here, if you listen carefully, you can tell what kind of person she is in real life.

As, being followed around by paparazzi is so incredibly thrilling to her, you just know when she says she’s not used to all this fame, she is telling the truth.

In fact, deep down, she’s still a starry-eyed newcomer on the scene who cannot quite believe she’s getting to experience all this, and is still having to pinch herself to make sure she’s not dreaming.

So, when Jo Good asks her “What do you love about the paparazzi?” she immediately fires back, “Because they give you the feeling that someone cares”.

And to me, someone who has only followed her career for a year and a half but knows as much about her career before that too, that makes me so incredibly happy for her I could cry.

As it makes me think of all those times where she must have thought hardly anyone cared, and now she knows they do.

Because, for me, I always want her to be this happy with what she is experiencing in her life.

I want her to walk around just blown away by all the attention she’s getting, and I want her to never have to worry that she’s going to lose all that. If the paparazzi gives her that feeling, even for just a minute or two, God bless them.

Jo Good’s wonderful interview with Conchita Wurst ends with her giving her opinion on how celebrities should, to some extent, be grateful the paparazzi pay so much attention to them:

That’s the reason why designers put clothes on you… does have a benefit to it. And I think if you make the decision to go into show business, and you are lucky enough to be successful, there are certain things we have to deal with. And there are way worse things in life to complain about.

It is one of those rare Conchita moments where the real person shines through. The one with the strong opinions. The one who doesn’t put up with stupidity from anyone.

And, yes, the one who is as stubborn as a mule, if she thinks she is right.

And that? That’s the Conchita I like more than anyone.

Listen to Jo Good’s lovely interview with Conchita Wurst in the video below. Just be warned. If you loved her before, you will love her even more when this one is finished playing.

Updated: Sadly, the Conchita interview with Jo Good has been removed from YouTube but, hopefully my article will fill you in on most of what was said during it.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.

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