Conchita Wurst’s Google Hangouts are Lovely, in English and German (Videos)

conchita google hangout

Today was another ‘first’ for Conchita Wurst. It was the day where she held her first ever live online conversations with a group of fans, with Google Hangouts in German and English for some of her “Unstoppables”. Hangouts that were a way for her to show people just a little bit more about who she is.

Why are Google Hangouts the perfect vehicle for Conchita Wurst?

In fact, it turns out, Google Hangouts are, as I knew they would be, the perfect vehicle for Conchita Wurst. That’s because, whether she’s famous or not, she’s genuinely someone you like. Because she’s someone you could sit over coffee with for hours and never get bored, as she has that uncommon ability to talk about anything and everything, and in a way that’s interesting and entertaining, smart and funny. And never condescending. And always, always, always down-to-earth, completely authentic and absolutely kind.

That makes her the type of artist (and believe me, they are rare), whose team can happily wave her off to do a Google Hangout and not have to sit biting finger nails wondering what tactless thing she’s going to say next, or how she’s going to piss off half her fan base this day.

Because she’s that person who is so genuinely likable, even if she screws up and says something she may not be happy with (because, remember, Google Hangouts are live), it would always just make people laugh with her, and then love her even more.

Conchita Wurst’s Google Hangout in German

conchita at google hangout german

The first of Conchita’s Hangouts today was the one for her German-speaking fans. It ran for 30 minutes and, like the English one that followed, was beautifully hosted by André Karsai, a member of her fantastic team.

In fact, that was one of the first things I liked about both these Hangouts. A couple of bantering moments between Conchita and André where you know they like each other so much, good-natured making fun of the other one is natural for them.

And, yes, I watched the German Hangout and, no, I didn’t understand more than a couple of hundred words. But, it did teach me two worthwhile things.

First, if you tied Conchita Wurst’s hands behind her back she’d lose the ability to speak, as everything she says is punctuated with dramatic gestures or small intricate hand movements to illustrate her point. (It’s lovely. Really).

And second, when she was asked about show business, her answer was incredibly touching. “I love singing, giving interviews, red carpets, catwalks. I love this world.” Which, to me, made me love her just that little bit more, as she is so utterly delighted with everything her Eurovision win has given her, I don’t ever want it to end for her.

Conchita Wurst’s Google Hangout in English

conchita wurst google hangout

As for her Google Hangout in English, she was asked about the process that went into choosing songs for her debut album ‘Conchita, as well as who had the final say about which songs were picked (she did). She talked about always needing to “love what you do” if you want to be successful, whether it’s at music or something else. And she stressed how “being authentic” is incredibly important, and said “I always went forward to get what I want”.

I was also happy to hear her talking about the comments she made during the Eurovision grand final, when she was interviewing Russian singer Polina Gagarina. Because, to me, I think that’s one of the most important things she did during the ESC final, and a good indication of her strength of character. She spoke up for someone who needed speaking up for.

She was also sweet with her insistence she’s “not Madonna”, and that any tour she does to promote her new album will be in small venues and at club gigs. As in larger venues “not that many people would show up”.

That’s because it goes back to her core values and who she really is. Someone quite humble, but humble in a way that she’s still incredibly surprised when people do show up to hear her sing or speak as, deep down, I have a feeling she’s still not quite sure she deserves it. (And, yes, you do deserve it, love).

That sense was also compounded for me when the conversation switched to Loreen, the 2012 Eurovision winner, and Conchita said about her “She’s just outstanding….I listened to her singing and I thought, “Oh my God, she’s like a real singer”. As if she herself isn’t.

Can we have a Google Hangout every month please?

And finally, a question. As you know me. I’m demanding. So, I’m asking. Can we please have a Google Hangout every month, Conchita, or at least as often as you have time to do them?

Because, frankly, you are brilliant at things like this, and they are a pleasure to watch.

Watch both Conchita’s German and English Google Hangouts below. Now, isn’t she just lovely?


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.