Conchita WURST’s ‘Hit Me’ live at Life Ball 2019 — Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances (#33)

Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances — (#33)

WURST’s ‘Hit Me‘ live at Life Ball 2019 back in June is in the #33 slot on my Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances list.

It was one of the first live performances WURST had done since Conchita morphed into him earlier in the year, and it was much more than just a quick song.

Instead, WURST’s Life Ball performance of ‘Hit Me‘ required an elaborate dance sequence with a group of backing dancers.

Anyone that has followed Conchita during the past five years, however, knows dancing was never her forte.

To the extent that she often looked tense and stiff when performing any short piece of choreography, because she had to concentrate so much just to get through it.

That is why then, when I began to watch WURST’s ‘Hit Me‘ at Life Ball and realized dancing was a part of it, I was as tense as she had been in the past.

Because as much as I wouldn’t normally worry if it was anyone else, with WURST/Conchita/Tom Neuwirth, that’s my best dude/girl/man and I never want that fabulous person to fail.

Thankfully, though, I needn’t have worried at all as, not only did WURST do a brilliant job with the quirky dance routine, he even managed to make it look cool and effortless while also delivering superb vocals.

For the smoothness of that dance performance, the excellent vocals, and for that cheeky little smile at the end of it as he realizes he delivered a good performance, this one deserves to be on Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances list.

Especially as ‘Hit Me’ is a killer song, and quite easily one of the most popular this fabulous Austrian artist has so far released.

You will find #40 to #34 on Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances list here.

Back on Tuesday with #32.

Related: WURST’s ‘Hit Me‘ music video is mesmerizing, and you need to watch it

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.