Conchita’s ‘Rise Like a Phoenix’ live at Pop Meets Opera, Eurovision 2015 – Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances (#31)

(#31) — ‘Rise Like a Phoenix‘ at Pop Meets Opera, Eurovision 2015 — Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances 

Conchita Wurst gave a live performance of ‘Rise Like a Phoenix‘ during an event called Pop Meets Opera.

The concert was organized as part of Vienna’s hosting of the Eurovision Song Contest, 2015 — the year after Conchita had won the world’s biggest singing contest.

This concert — literally pop music meets opera music — featured not only Conchita Wurst singing ‘Rise Like a Phoenix‘ with a chamber orchestra, but also a number of classical stars and a variety of Eurovision contestants from that year

These included Norway’s Mørland & Debrah Scarlett, Ireland’s Molly Stirling and Hungary’s Boggie.

But it was Conchita that stood out more than anyone else in her skin tight but gorgeously elegant light blue floor-length gown and short wig, as it was one of the first times she had ever performed with classical musicians.

Since then, of course, she has famously sung with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the Bruckner Orchestra Linz, the BBC Concert Orchestra and with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at the iconic Sydney Opera House to name just a few.

She even released an album with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra late last year that is still one of the best releases I have heard.

During Conchita’s appearance at Pop Meets Opera, however, it wasn’t just that slightly slowed down and utterly superb performance of ‘Rise Like a Phoenix‘ I loved.

Norway’s Debra Scarlett seemed enraptured by Conchita the whole way through

It was also watching the glances of the other artists as she came on stage, and as she sang.

In particular the glances of Norway’s Debrah Scarlett throughout. Glances that seemed to say she couldn’t quite believe how magical this creature standing before her was, but she was sure as heck glad she got the chance to see her.

Watch Conchita Wurst’s performance of ‘Rise Like a Phoenix‘ at Pop Meets Opera during Eurovision 2015 in the video below.

It is in the #31 spot on my Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances because, not only did she sing beautifully, but it was also a lovely precursor for all the gorgeous classically-accompanied music we have been able to enjoy from her ever since.

You will find #40 to #32 on the Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances list here.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.