Conchita’s ‘You Are Unstoppable’ at Spiel für dein Land — Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances (#23)

(#23) — Conchita appears on ‘Spiel für dein Land’ 

If it wasn’t for there being some utterly superb Conchita live performances that came after this one, Conchita Wurst‘s appearance on the German TV series Spiel für dein Land in January 2016 would be in my top 20 on my list of Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances.

Because this one ticked all the boxes.

The show had German, Swiss and Austrian celebrities competing against each other for cash prizes, and Conchita invited to sing songs with missing lyrics. The celebrities then had to try to remember what those lyrics were.

And it wasn’t the premise of the show that was that interesting.

Instead, it was everything about Conchita from the moment she stood on that flight of steep stairs while singing, only to be helped down to the safety of the stage floor by Austrian TV presenter Andi Knoll and the show’s host Jörg Pilawa.

Because, you know, the girl was wearing massive heels only she would ever want to walk in.

And along with how ultra-girly and feminine she was, her voice was beautiful, she was still at her most gorgeous before all the hair, the muscles and WURST appeared, and she was absolutely thrilled at the prospect of performing during her first ever concert tour.

That became apparent as she grinned so wide, and almost did a little dance she was so happy.

Related: 5 fabulous things about Conchita Wurst on Spiel für dein Land — READ this because they are so VERY, VERY, VERY lovely 🙂

It was Conchita at her best personality-wise as well. Cute, adorable, lots of that shrugging shoulders thing she does, and the thing I have always always always loved the most about her.

That unbridled joy she always has emitting from her when she is happy about something.

The type of joy you normally only see in a 5-year-old child who has just been given his first Batman outfit.

The type of wild exuberant joy adults are not supposed to show when they are happy, because we are supposed to be more jaded than that.

A joy and a visible rush of emotion Conchita often emits when something is going well for her. And one I hope Cochita/WURST/Tom Neuwirth/whoever never ever loses.

Because it is the loveliest of things.

Watch Conchita Wurst at ‘Spiel für dein Land’ in the video below.

She sang her own song ‘You are Unstoppable‘ beautifully, plus portions of a few German-language songs for the celebrities to worry over.

Although it was cool she sang in German, as she rarely does, she didn’t completely nail all of them (‘Blue Bayou‘ was out of her normal range, and so uncomfortable for her to sing), but it was this live performance in its entirety that gained it a spot on my Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances list.

Because everything about her is an absolute delight to watch from beginning to end.

Note:  You will find #40 to #24 on my Conchita WURST’s Top 40 Best Live Performances list here

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.