Ellie Goulding’s ‘Love Me Like You Do’ is Going to Be a Big Hit (Audio)

ellie goulding love me like you do


Ellie Goulding‘s new single ‘Love Me Like You Do‘ has just been released, and oh it’s going to be a big hit. That’s because ‘Love Me Like You Do‘ is from the soundtrack of the upcoming movie ‘Fifty Shades of Grey, and the minute it began to play, I knew this was something special.

Ellie Goulding’s voice is perfect for this song, and for the movie soundtrack, while ‘Love Me Like You Do‘ itself has it all. A pretty melody, a vocal hook, lyrics that grab you, a great beat, and, did I mention Ellie’s voice? How sultry is that?

And, from the little I know about Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, (no, I haven’t read the books), I’d also say this song fits them perfectly.

The entire soundtrack for ‘Fifty Shades of Grey‘ will be released on February 10th, and will include tracks from Beyoncé, Sia and Frank Sinatra — what an amazing mix of artists, eh?

Meanwhile, enjoy Ellie Goulding singing ‘Love Me Like You Do‘. It’s gorgeous.



About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.