Interview Call For Austrian Artists, Singers, Musicians, Actors, YouTubers etc — Want To Be Famous?

Are you an Austrian singer, songwriter, or musician? Do you act, own a YouTube channel, are a painter, a designer, a photographer or do anything in the Austrian arts? Do you want some free publicity in the form of a written interview in English, to be published on a well-established entertainment website?

If so, contact me, and if I feel you are a good fit for Leo Sigh, we can arrange a time for me to interview you.

WHY? Because I moved to Austria 6 months ago partially because I saw how many incredibly talented Austrian artists there are. Artists that do not get the recognition they deserve either inside or outside Austria.

And I also realized, even if you are getting some recognition outside Austria, most of your information online is in German, which means potential fans outside Austria, Germany and Switzerland find it difficult to learn about you. And so I decided I wanted to help change that.

You can read interviews here on Leo Sigh already done with people like Conchita Wurst, Virginia Ernst, Clara Blume, Jacques Patrique, Tamara Mascara, and Charlywood, then contact me with your info and we will talk.

PREREQUISITES: Must be Austrian, or based in Austria. Must have been an active artist in Austria or elsewhere for at least a year, and must have an established fan base (even if it’s only 50 people). Must speak English (it doesn’t have to be perfect, but my German currently sucks 😁).

And, if you are not an Austrian artist, but know someone who is, please pass this on to them.

CONTACT INFO: (Don’t spam me, I will block you 😂).


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.