Obsessed with my @bjornborg bodysuit! Looking forward to the Show! #conchyfashion #fwstockholm pic.twitter.com/s7lhKllh0R
— conchita wurst (@ConchitaWurst) August 25, 2014
So, I’m intrigued. It seems the lovely Conchita Wurst might just be involved in the Bjorn Borg show at Stockholm Fashion Week today and I’m dying to find out how. But, both Bjorn Borg and Conchita herself are keeping a bit of a lid on this one, although she did send a quick tweet yesterday and so did Bjorn Borg.
Conchita’s tweet had a photo attached showing her wearing an absolutely gorgeous body suit (yep, I’d buy that!), with the message:
“Obsessed with my @bjornborg bodysuit! Looking forward to the Show!”.
As for Bjorn Borg themselves, they almost admitted Conchita Wurst was going to be on the runway at the Bjorn Borg show with their tweet about a ‘final fitting’.
“We’ve saved the best for last! Check out designer James Lee fitting @ConchitaWurst with just #1day to go! #StockholmFashionWeek”
No photo attached, though, so I had to wait. Again.
But, just a few minutes ago, being the ever impatient girl I am, I tweeted Bjorn Borg to ask about Conchita after they sent a tweet showing a very hot bare-chested male model with the message:
Rehearsals at the @bjornborg SS15 fashion show. #fwstockholm #bjornborg @fwstockholm pic.twitter.com/H8PodPrTlU — Björn Borg (@bjornborg) August 26, 2014
And guess what? I got an immediate reply:
@michelletopham1 @fwstockholm @conchitawurst Heading over to her hotel in 1.5hrs maybe we can get a picture 😉
— Björn Borg (@bjornborg) August 26, 2014
Yep. Conchita Wurst is definitely involved with the Bjorn Borg show at Stockholm Fashion Week.
Didn’t you just hear me “Squeeeeeeeeeeeel”?
(Although, frankly, “maybe we can get a picture?” That’s just not good enough 🙂 )
Seriously, though, thank you so much to the amazing Bjorn Borg (cool sportswear, by the way, guys). I am in love with anyone who features Conchita Wurst in anything they do, so Bjorn Borg just became my new ‘kärlek’. (Google it).