James Corden Thanks Bruce Jenner for Talking About Gender Issues (Video)

james corden bruce jenner diane sawyer interview

I do find it lovely that so many Americans in and out of the entertainment industry have come out in support of Bruce Jenner after his candid interview with Diane Sawyer last week.

British late night host James Corden also talked about Bruce Jenner on his Late Late Show last night, saying how wonderful he thought it was that Jenner had come out identifying as a woman, and then even followed that up by calling her “she”.

Corden said “I thought it was genuinely one of the most incredible pieces of television I’ve seen in years”.

He went on to say, “I thought that because I will never know, so many of us will never know, what it’s like to go through such a thing. The life that he’s been trapped in”.

The late night talk show host finished by saying, “I truly hope that after this weekend’s interview, that this world we live in is a better, more understanding, more educated place”. He then thanked Bruce Jenner for being so honest.

Hallelujah, James, and doesn’t that just make me like you even more.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.