Julie Bergan’s ‘Arigato’ is Catchy, Addictive and an “I Don’t Need You, Dude” Delight (Video)

julie bergan arigato

I’ve been a bit addicted to Norwegian singer Julie Bergan’s new single ‘Arigato‘ since it was released last month. I was reminded about it again this weekend when Mr. Suicide Sheep’s YouTube channel featured it as his daily music track on

Because it’s one of those anthem style songs, you know, the ones where the girl is pretty much telling the guy “Nope, you’re not getting away with that” — that, in this case, being the idea that she doesn’t need protected and if he wants a housewife, nope, it’s not going to be her. (I can relate).

But it’s also a catchy, fun, addictive song that seems like a very good precursor to what we are going to see when Julie Bergen’s debut album releases later this year via Warner Music. And if the entire album is like this, I’m going to love it.

Listen to Julie Bergan’s ‘Arigato‘ in the video below, (and, of course, watch her music  video, which is quite cool for a low budget effort). Nice, eh?

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.