Just How Popular is Conchita Wurst in Europe?

conchita wurst mob scene reporters
Yep – she’s in the middle of that mob scene somewhere

If you’ve been wondering how popular Conchita Wurst is in Europe since the Eurovision Song Contest ended, all you have to do is watch one of the many videos posted on YouTube and see her being mobbed by photographers, reporters, and fans everywhere she goes – and you’ll soon have your answer.

In every European country Conchita Wurst heads to, whether it’s France, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, the United Kingdom, or even back home in her native Austria, the singer barely gets her head out of the car before the rush, the crush and the mayhem start.

Photographers screaming “Conchita look this way”, “Conchita smile”, “Conchita shake his hand”, until the poor woman probably feels dizzy from all the directions they expect her to follow.

Reporters crowding around her with microphones thrust in her face, all desperate to ask the question they think their readers want to know the answer to more than any other.

And the fans – maneouvering themselves into odd positions right in front of her so they can get that quick selfie with the Eurovision singer and ever afterwards prove to themselves and everyone they know that, yes, one day they met Conchita Wurst.

What’s wonderful about how popular Conchita Wurst is in Europe to me, though, isn’t just the popularity itself (which, of course, is marvelous, as heaven knows every one of us who loves her wants her to be loved by everyone else). It’s also the way Conchita handles it.

Always calm. Always kind. Always respectful and, above all, never losing her temper and always always smiling.

She says she’s prepared herself for years to be this way, as she always wanted her life to be like that. But, you have to admire her even more when you realize just how incredible she is at handling the enormous amount of attention that suddenly arrived like a juggernaut and hasn’t slowed down one instant since.

With grace, with poise and with a spot on understanding of exactly what needs to be done at every single moment in time, and an ability to follow through and do it.

Concentration, focus and sheer dedication to her career is Conchita Wurst’s mantra and I’ve never seen anyone quite as good at it as her.

Now watch the video below to see what I mean. Filmed at Berlin Pride, you can see Conchita Wurst doing what she does best – being the ultimate diva, basking in the adoration, and enjoying every single second of it. And, boy, how lovely she looks while she’s doing it.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.