Listen to GAITS’ ‘Other Side’ from The 100 — Season 6, Episode 13, “The Blood of Sanctum”

Nashville, Tennessee-based GAITS’ ‘Other Side‘ was featured on the season finale of The CW post-apocalyptic series The 100 this week — The 100, Season 6, Episode 13, “The Blood of Sanctum“.

Other Side’ itself is one of just a handful of tracks released by GAITS.

Another artist who doesn’t seem to think anyone wants to know or cares who he/she/they/it are, as try to find any information about them and….nada. Not even on the artist’s Spotify biography. (Well, apparently they like Mexican food — now that’s useful!)

So, here is GAITS with ‘Other Side‘ in the video below and in the Spotify widget below that. An artist I would have promoted more if I had 15 hours to spare scouring the Internet for one tiny hint of who they are.

As it stands right now, therefore — this is what you get!

And yes, this kind of stuff pisses me off.

It’s 2019, the Internet has been a thing for decades, and it is the place where most musicians not only promote their careers, but also get huge benefit from it.

Yet, there still seem to be a small segment of artists that just seems to be oblivious to how much having information online about who they are, and what they do, could help explode their careers.

As a busy journalist, though, I’m not about to do their jobs for them either. So, here you go, here’s GAITS’ ‘Other Side‘ — in video form and in a Spotify widget below. Enjoy.

Related reading:  Listen to the Cigarettes After Sex song ‘Apocalypse‘ as featured on Season 6 of The 100

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.