Remember that awesome Helen Reddy classic ‘Delta Dawn‘? Well, it showed up on last week’s episode of the Showtime series Ray Donovan — Season 4, Episode 9 “Goodbye Beautiful“, when Sonia turns on the radio as she, Ray and her daughter drive to the air field. And it’s still as fabulous as it was when Helen Reddy first released it back in 1973, and perfect for that scene.
As for the story of Reddy’s ‘Delta Dawn‘, the lyrics are about a woman in her early 40s who is still living in the past, as she cannot forget about a man she was in love with when she was a young woman. So much so, she’s wandering around town with her suitcase every day, looking for him so he can take her “to his mansion in the sky”.
When it was released, the song hit the number 1 spot for Reddy. The first time she had ever had a number one song. Since then, it has become one of the hits Helen Reddy is most famous for.
If you love it, and Reddy (and you should, as she has some wonderful songs), you can currently grab it on her Greatest Hits album on all major digital music sites.
Meanwhile, listen to ‘Delta Dawn‘ in the video below, as it appeared on Ray Donovan. Isn’t that opening choral just fabulous?