Listen to Janelle Kroll’s ‘Walk With You‘ from Legacies, it is so touching
The utterly gorgeous Janelle Kroll song ‘Walk With You‘ was featured on the latest episode of the supernatural drama series Legacies this week.
The song was heard during the ending montage as Hope writes a letter to her father, Raf asks Alaric to help him become a better man, Kaleb watches over MG and Hope apologizes to Raf because she didn’t have his back.
‘Walk With You‘ was released by New York-based indie singer songwriter Janelle Kroll back in July along with a stunning music video that brought attention to the catastrophe of rapidly melting glaciers that are currently melting three times faster than they were just 10 years ago.
Along with that message, Kroll asked fans to visit The Nature Conservancy’s website and donate to help their work on climate change.
Kroll currently also has two EPs released — Outsider and Pretty Lie To Me, as well as a slew of singles and remixes.
Listen to Janelle Kroll’s ‘Walk With You‘ as featured on Legacies in her official music video below. You can also hear it in the Spotify widget below that.
Learn more about Janelle Kroll on her website.
Related: Listen to Banners’ ‘Someone To You‘ as featured on Legacies — it’s sooooo catchy