I have to admit, I haven’t actually listened to much music from English indie rock band Kaiser Chiefs in recent years. Not because I don’t like them, but more because I moved away from listening to the huge amount of rock I used to listen to.
But Kaiser Chiefs has an upcoming new album — Stay Together — releasing next month, they have just released the first single from it — ‘Parachute‘ — and, if this song is any indication of what’s going to be on the album, the lads could end up being one of the bands that monopolize my summer.
Because Kaiser Chiefs seem to have decided to go a different way, as ‘Parachute‘ is dance pop all the way. But it’s oh so so pretty.
And there is, apparently, a reason for that.
According to the Chiefs’ Instagram post about Stay Together today, “When we finished writing the last record we realized that the most important thing to everyone is what’s going on in their lives. Their “personal politics” and that’s what this album is about. If Education, Education, Education & War (their last album) was our protest album, then Stay Together is our relationship album.”
And doesn’t ‘Parachute’ sound like it?
All I can say is, thanks, lads. Love it.