The first episode of the second season of HBO’s True Detective starring Colin Farrell aired on June 21st (“The Western Book of the Dead”), and, along with a couple of other tracks on the show, Lera Lynn’s fabulous song ‘My Least Favorite Life‘ was featured.
‘My Least Favorite Life‘ was written by Lynn, T Bone Burnett and Rosanne Cash, and is an eerie, sad song that fits True Detective perfectly.
Just read the lyrics of the first verse:
This is my least favorite life
The one where you fly and I don’t
The kiss holds a million deceits
And a lifetime goes up in smoke
Now, isn’t that perfect for just how we all know True Detective is going to turn out. Sad, tragic and involving murder.
Listen to Lera Lynn’s ‘My Least Favorite Life‘ on the audio video below.
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t have minded hearing this as the show’s title music. It’s beautiful.