The fabulous American indie rock band My Chemical Romance song ‘Vampire Money‘ was that song playing on Billions, Season 7, Episode 8 as Michael talks to the journalists at the restaurant about what he will do as president.
It then continues playing as Wags is at a baby shower watching the woman guess the brand of chocolate she is eating, and becoming more and more grossed out by what he sees.
The track stops playing as the camera pans over the city until we see the headline “Prince Drops Major Infrastructure Intel” on a newspaper article.
When was My Chemical Romance’s ‘Vampire Money‘ released?
The song with its pounding drum intro came out on the indie rock band’s most recent album Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys.
It is the band’s fourth studio album, and one that was released over 13 years ago back in 2010 on the Reprise record label.
Six singles were released from the album at the time, although My Chemical Romance’s ‘Vampire Money‘ was not one of them, with Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys going on to rank high up music charts in 21 countries.
The album’s major success, however, was hitting #1 in the U.S. on both the Top Rock Albums chart and the Top Alternative Albums chart.
Listen to My Chemical Romance’s ‘Vampire Money‘ as heard on Billions via the band’s album at the bottom of this post, and on the music video.
The latest season of Billions is now streaming on Showtime and, yes, as this is the final season of the drama, we can hopefully (?) expect to see some of our “favorite” people get their just desserts.
Meanwhile, you can find many more songs from every season of Billions on Leo Sigh.