Listen to Perfume Genius’ Without You’ from Gossip Girl, Season 1, Ep. 3 and watch song’s 3 gorgeous music videos

copyright Karolina Wojtasik and HBO Max

American singer songwriter and musician Perfume Genius has had more and more of his songs licensed for play on hit TV series in the last couple of years.

Case in point, Perfume Genius’ ‘Without You‘, which showed up on Gossip Girl yesterday — Gossip Girl, Season 1, Episode 3, “Lies Wide Shut”.

The episode aired on July 22nd, 2021.

Perfume Genius’ ‘Without You‘ played during the Gossip Girl opening sequence, as the voiceover ran and as Julien was on different dates with eligible bachelors.

Without You‘ is from the indie musician’s fifth studio album Set My Heart on Fire Immediately.

Released in May, 2020 via the Matador record label, the album explores gay themes, including the dangers of being a gay man in today’s society.

It was placed on various Best of…lists, including those of the BBC, Stereogum, Time and Paste.

Set My Heart on Fire Immediately charted in five countries, and on five charts in the United States alone. The album also made it to #7 on the Independent Albums list in the United Kingdom.

Two months after the album’s release, Perfume Genius’ ‘Without You‘ got three official music videos. Each of which were directed by Samantha Mitchell, Liz Lian, and Kristin Massa after the three were the winners of the singer’s video directing competition for the song.

Each winner got to direct their own music video, and were given $1,000 to give to their favorite charities.

The videos link to fundraisers to benefit those charities — the ACLU of Southern California, the Sex Workers Outreach Project and RAICES.

Listen to Perfume Genius’ ‘Without You‘ as heard on Gossip Girl in those three gorgeous videos, and on his latest album below.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.