The final season of the hit crime series The Blacklist premiered on NBC last night, with The Blacklist, Season 10, Episode 1, “The Night Owl“.
Yep, this stellar drama finally finishes its long, long run with the ongoing 10th season that will play out over the next few months.
Season 10 of The Blacklist was also promoted with one of my favorite older songs playing on its trailer — Petula Clark’s ‘Just Say Goodbye‘.
A song that was first released way back in 1966 on Petula Clark’s My Love album.
An album that was the British singer’s fourth for Warner Bros., and which spawned two hit singles — ‘My Love‘ and ‘Sign of the Times’.
And an album I grew up hearing in the last 60s and early 70s, as my parents were big Petula Clark fans, as was most of the United Kingdom back then.
Like many other songs on My Love, ‘Just Say Goodbye‘ was known for Clark’s massive vocals and its powerful orchestral sound.
Listen to Petula Clark’s ‘Just Say Goodbye‘ as heard on The Blacklist Season 10 trailer in the video, and on the singer’s 2017 classic hits compilation album.
The now-iconic British singer also gave a live performance of the song on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1966 you can check out below.