Every time I turn on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, I am amazed at the caliber of guests he invites. Guests who are far different than the usual talk show guests, and far more interesting.
Last night, Colbert had the incredible stepdancer Michael Flatley on his show, along with Michael’s dancers from “Lord Of The Dance: Dangerous Games”. They gave a performance of a tap routine that was truly superb.
And what makes Michael Flatley’s dance performance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert even more incredible is, not only is he 57 years old, but he is also retiring from dance next month. (His last show will be in Austria on December 5th). Because he has so many problems with his spine, a damaged knee, torn muscles and ruptured Achilles tendons, he is in almost constant pain when he dances.
Yet, he can pull off a dance number like that.
Watch Michael Flatley and the dancers from “Lord Of The Dance: Dangerous Games” in the video below. Then please navigate to the video’s YouTube page and thank Stephen Colbert for all the wonderful artists he is showcasing as, his show? It couldn’t be better.