Noah Cyrus is going from strength to strength since she released her debut single ‘Make Me (Cry)‘ in 2016. But the best thing she has done to date, at least in my humble opinion, is a new live version of her song ‘We Are…‘, which she recently recorded at Sony studios in Los Angeles for that label’s Sony Lost In Music: Sessions.
Because the video she just released of the live recording of the song this morning shows a Noah Cyrus that is far more confident vocally than she was just a year ago. As well as one that has one of the most unique, throatiest and raspy-est voices I have ever heard. It’s just beautiful.
As Cyrus herself says about this new version of ‘We Are…‘ (and notice, she speaks a lot more confidently about her work than she did when she first got started as well — good for her!):
“We’ve put together a really different version. It’s like a ton of strings and kind of like a classical sound in the beginning, and then it kind of kicks into the real version, so it’s cool. I wanted to do a more dramatic version of it. It’s a very dramatic, tongue-in-cheek song. This is a live performance, so it’s all by live band, so that’s the really big difference (from the recorded track). The track isn’t a live band performing, so it isn’t as ‘rock and roll’. This one is a little dirtier”.
And what this new slightly dirtier version has given ‘We Are…‘ is even more energy than the recorded version has, as well as a Noah Cyrus that is so into singing this version of the song she is incredibly fun to watch.
Watch and listen to Noah Cyrus and her Sony Lost In Music: Sessions version of ‘We Are…‘ in the video below. And do it with your head phones on and playing it as loud as you can because, Holy Hell, that girl can sing.
Especially when, at 3:16, she gets to “Should we drive to the sunset or the fire?” and hits that high note with that fabulous rasp in her voice going right along with it.
Bloody gorgeous!
Related: Noah Cyrus’s live versions of ‘Almost Famous‘ and ‘Make Me Cry‘ are touching and sweet