The Korean horror drama Revenant, Episode 6 aired on SBS TV last night, and earned its lowest rating yet — both nationwide and in Seoul.
According to the latest numbers from Nielsen Korea, Revenant, Episode 6 ratings fell from Friday night’s 10.8 percent to last night’s 9.5 percent.
That is the lowest rating Revenant has earned nationwide, with its prior lowest rating a 9.9 percent for Episode 1.
The story was similar with viewers in Seoul, with Revenant, Episode 6 garnering 10.2 percent of the audience share, which was down a full 2.0 percent from its previous rating, and lower than its previous lowest everrating of 10.8 percent.
That being said, Revenant was still in second place for the day, both nationwide and in Seoul, and with ratings still around the 10.0 percent, still earned exceptionally good ratings compared to many other dramas..
Revenant stars Kim Tae Ri, Oh Jung Se and Hong Kyung, and airs every Friday and Saturday night at 22:00 (KST) on SBS TV.
Outside South Korea, the drama is streaming via Disney Plus where, according to Flix Patrol, it is one of the Top 10 shows in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and, of course, South Korea.