Sky Ferreira ‘Everything is Embarrassing’ – Repeat Rotation Video (And Polydor is Ripping Her Off)

skye ferreira 'everything is embarrassing'

American singer Sky Ferreira’s ‘Everything Is Embarrassing‘ is my Repeat Rotation Video today. Not just because it’s a rocking song, but also in support of Sky Ferreira who, according to her, is being jacked around by her label. Again.

According to tweets Ferreira sent yesterday (since deleted), she’s angry with her label, the UK’s Polydor, for ‘ripping her off’. Ferreira said:

Me pulling teeth to get a video made from people who literally make treatments shot by shot of my previous video with another artist… They tried to hire every person who worked on all of them & literally replicate it… Ever heard of intellectual property?… I don’t get the support I should have by now… At least have the decency to give me some support/budget/promotion for my work, if you’re going to rip off my previous work that I paid for… ‘Well. You didn’t sell ____ amount of records.’

No sh*t. I think it did pretty well considering the circumstances… Maybe I would have ‘sold more records’ if I had the resources to do so. It’s completely unfair that can even get used against me… I’m talking about labels & how they all need new structure… & need to be more creative & supportive of the people that they sign.

Of course, Sky Ferreira isn’t the only one complaining about the music labels, and how most of them are scamming the artists they publish.

Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan is another among many artists that have been complaining about the labels, and the streaming music services, for months now.

In an interview on CNBC this week, Corgan said it’s about time artists started to realize their value, and walk away from these companies that are scamming them en masse. Only then will they have the clout needed to change anything.

Have to say I agree with them. After all, if more artists had the courage to call out their labels, (and the streaming music services), like Sky Ferreira did, maybe things would start to change?

Meanwhile, listen to Sky Ferreira’s ‘Everything Is Embarrassing‘. It’s a fabulous song.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.