Thoughts on Conchita Wurst’s Finland Press Conference: Phenomenal Interview Skills

conchita finland

Conchita Wurst is in Finland, the day before her first ever Finnish concert at the Serena Pop & Rock Festival on Friday in Espoo. For fans of the Austrian diva, that means more press conferences and news coverage — and more tidbits of information about Conchita to devour.

A special treat awaited Conchita fans today, however, as not only did we get to see the few minutes before the actual press conference started, when gathering photographers shot photos of the Eurovision winner, once it began the Conchita Wurst we saw today was even more open and honest than usual.

As always at these moments, I have my own thoughts about her answers, thoughts I decided to share here. Of course, I’m no expert (well, I am, but that’s another story), but I always think if I have musings, others usually are thinking the same and they love to hear someone else agree with them.

Photo Shoot

What currently fascinates me about Conchita Wurst is what a consummate professional and perfectionist she is in everything she does. But, in particular, in front of the press.

In Finland, she strode into the room, completely in control, said “Hello” and then proceeded to do exactly what photographers asked. “Look here”, “Smile”, “Let me shoot you closer”. No complaints, no pained expression, no feeling of ‘hurry up and get this over with’.

Just an absolutely self-confident and in control singer, who looked as if she was happy to stand there all day while everyone got their shots.

Now that is a true professional, and you can see why the press love her.

She also looked stunning in a perfect little black dress by Akris (beautifully cut and elegantly worn), and the most gorgeous Daniele Michetti shoes. (tweet Daniele if you also loved Conchita’s shoes and thank him).

Conchita’s Daniele Michetti shoes are to die for.

Press Conference and Composure

Conchita’s demeanor in the press conference itself was superb, and this is what truly fascinates me.

The way she sits, the way she smiles, the way she politely asks journalists what they’d like to ask, and how she patiently listens until the question is delivered. You couldn’t ask for a better interviewee, and it’s a skill she now has down to perfection.

If you weren’t so damned in awe of her, you’d want to rush right over and kneel at her feet (and kiss those lovely Daniele Michetti shoes). That’s because, in the last few months, Conchita Wurst has become a press agent’s dream and hers must kiss the ground she walks on.

conchita wurst finland press conference

Conchita’s Answers

As for Conchita’s answers, I’ve yet to see a more delightful interview, as everything she said was considered carefully before she answered but, when she did, what she said was honest, funny, sweet and interesting. And, in some instances, quite profound.

She answered questions about who inspired her (Celine Dion, her parents, and so many different people – if she likes what they do she “takes it”). How does she live her normal life as Tom? Does she cook? (That cheeky answer was adorable). What was the worst advice she was ever given? (“Get rid of the beard”). And the best advice? (“You have to practice your English because you’re going to be huge” – as a former English teacher myself, I say the girl who said that deserves a medal)

But the answer I loved the best was when she talked about how supportive her family was of her and, in particular, her delightful grandmother. (Can I just say I want my own Austrian grandmother and, believe me, if you’ve watched the Conchita Wurst documentary filmed before Eurovision and seen her lovely grandmother, you’d want your very own “Oma” as well. I think she should rent her out).

Conchita, though, had me laughing out loud when she explained her grandmother thought she was a celebrity herself now, and so wanted her own Facebook ‘special fan page’. (Conchita said an emphatic “No”).

So,with my praise of Conchita’s interview skills, do I sound like an obsessed fan? Probably. But that’s not the case at all. I’m simply someone with a background in public relations who is astounded by the communication skills of an artist who is really this good. She’s a thing of beauty in more ways than one, and I could watch her again and again and again.

You can watch Conchita Wurst’s press conference in Finland at MTV Finland here. Just try not to squeeeeeee.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.