Tom Rosenthal’s ‘Fenn‘ video has beautiful animation and what a beautifully happy song it is
British singer songwriter Tom Rosenthal released the official music video for his single ‘Fenn‘ yesterday, and the first thing you will notice is that ‘Fenn‘ has some seriously beautiful animation.
According to Rosenthal when asked by a fan on YouTube about the animation, the video was created by Sarina Nihei, and took her three months to complete.
Honestly, that is some of the coolest animation I’ve seen in a music video.
As for Tom Rosenthal’s ‘Fenn‘, what a fabulously lovely song that is.
Simple in its composition and lyrics, it is one of those songs that just makes you happy when you listen to it.
Because it’s Tom Rosenthal telling you things will never be as bad as you think they are and, if you change the way you think about things, you can even make bad situations so much better.
Your flights delayed, go learn Italian
Find a girl with a gold medallionÂ
The birds will poo right on your head
It’s just their way of showing you affectionÂ
Lost your keys, befriend a neighbourÂ
Maybe she’s got a story to savourÂ
I’ll tell you Fenn, I’ll tell you when, it’s now now now…
I’ll tell you Fenn, I’ll tell you when, it’s now now now…
And while researching a couple of things for this article, I came across this lovely little post by Dale at Peanut Mixtape, who explains that ‘Fenn‘ is from Rosenthal’s newest album. An album that was actually written by Rosenthal for his young daughter, Fenn (and what a great name that is!) in an attempt to offer her some fatherly advice on life.
As for Tom Rosenthal, I only discovered him a couple of months ago when Vienna’s Weltmuseum used part of his gorgeous song ‘Woes‘ for a mini Instagram video celebrating World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue & Development. Since then, I’ve been a little bit obsessed.
Because this wonderful artist writes the most lyrically deceptive songs that seem so simple at first listening, but that have a far deeper message than you first presume. And his melodies are always beautiful.
Listen to Tom Rosenthal’s ‘Fenn‘ in that gorgeous animation video below. And when you’ve finished, do hop over to listen to ‘Woes‘ as well.
I had that one playing on my head phones while I sped around Vienna on my daily speedwalks for at least a month. Because it is just the most beautiful and somewhat heart-breaking thing.
Tom Rosenthal – Fenn (Official Music Video) from Sarina Nihei on Vimeo.