Tom Rosenthal’s ‘Quite Short for a Goalkeeper’ song and video are so simple but so lovely

Tom Rosenthal’s ‘Quite Short for a Goalkeeper‘ song and video are so simple but so lovely

The prolific English singer songwriter and composer Tom Rosenthal has just released yet another adorably animated music video. This time for a track from his latest album Fenn called ‘Quite Short for a Goalkeeper‘.

And here is what I love about Tom Rosenthal’s always gorgeous videos and songs, and what makes me rush to click on them as soon as they are released.

Many of them are quite simple in composition, both songs and videos, which makes them incredibly beautiful as Rosenthal just goes right to the core of what it is about music and animation that touches us so much.

(Watch his video for ‘Melania’, a brilliant song and animation about Donald Trump’s wife, if you don’t believe me).

His lyrics are always clever while, again, so simple.

“I’m quite short for a goalkeeper
Quite wise for a fool
Quite loose for the rule
I’m quite sane for a wild boy
Quite late for a bird
Quite lonesome for the herd
I never knew but love in the end was you”.

His songs often sound sad but, when you listen to the lyrics, there is actually so much hope.

Watch Tom Rosenthal’s music video for ‘Quite Short for a Goalkeeper‘ below to see what I mean, and listen to that heart-grabbing song.

I guarantee you are going to be singing it to yourself for hours to come.

You can pick up Tom Rosenthal’s gorgeous album Fenn on Bandcamp on digital, CD and on vinyl. The lovely music video was created and directed by Luiz Stockler.

Related: Tom Rosenthal’s ‘Woes‘ is the perfect song for World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development — Thanks WeltMuseum Wien for introducing him to me

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.

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