Top 10 Most Read Conchita Wurst Articles – What People Want to Know About Her

conchita articles

As a writer, I’m always interested in what other people want to know about, as it gives me ideas on what to write. As someone intrigued by Austrian singer Conchita Wurst, and trying to learn as much about her as I can, I’m also fascinated by what other people are desperate to know. In other words, when Conchita Wurst appears in their consciousness, what things do they try to find out about her first?

That’s why, as someone who has written more than 375 articles about Conchita Wurst (yes, if I didn’t know myself better than that, I’d think I was a bit obsessed too), I love to look at the traffic data connected to each of her articles, to see what things about this incredibly fascinating woman peak other people’s interests too.

So, today, I’m going to be taking a look at the Top 10 Most Read Conchita Wurst articles. Some of which I would have predicted as being interesting to Conchita’s fans, while others caught me by surprise at how much interest they generated. And, of course, while the older articles will have more views than some of the newer ones, many of the newer ones aren’t doing too badly either.

If you haven’t read these Conchita Wurst articles before, why not take the opportunity to read them now? And, if you have, why not read them again? After all, she’s always worth another look.


conchita wurst sexy

10 — When Conchita Wurst Knows She’s Sexy, We Get This

This is one of those articles that took me a little by surprise when it comes to the number of views it has already had. Simply because, while sure it has the words ‘Conchita Wurst’ and ‘sexy’ in the same title, I wouldn’t have thought that was too surprising. Because, let’s face it, she is.

But this short Instagram video Conchita uploaded of herself wearing nothing but a tightly cinched-in corset and thigh-high boots while huskily whispering “Sparkle”, and an equally sexy photo showing off her now famous ass, had Conchita Wurst fans practically enraptured with desire.

As for me? I was delighted with it because it’s the perfect example of how, even though most of the time Conchita Wurst is a “good girl”, she sometimes still finds time to play with people and manipulate their emotions. Because she loves to figure out what will drive them nuts and then shove it in their face.

Yes, she’s naughty sometimes. And I like that.


9 — Conchita and JCHOERL

Now this article’s popularity I didn’t find surprising at all. That’s because every Conchita Wurst fan is obsessed with the clothing she wears as, let’s face it, she’s one of the best dressed women on the planet.

Always stylish, always chic, always wearing the most perfect-for-her clothes and, of course, often daring to go out on the thinnest most fragile limb possible by wearing clothing that really takes a risk.

Look at how she’s gone from always wearing a bra to rarely wearing one and, instead, now graces us with as flat of a chest as it’s possible to have without being concave, paired with the deepest cut necklines, and yet she still manages to come off far sexier than most Hollywood starlets with their massive spilling-out-of-clothing breasts. And, of course, a lot more elegant.

Then pair her amazing style (put together with the help of her incredible stylist Thomas Reinberger) with the stunning designs of Austrian designer JCHOERL, who dresses her more than any other designer at this point, and it’s no wonder so many fans are interested in her clothes.

conchita wurst ice bucket

8 — Conchita and the Ice Bucket Challenge

No surprise that this article has had so many views either. I wrote it at the height of the Ice Bucket Challenge last year, when Conchita was nominated to take part by none other than tennis superstar Novak Djokovic (who, I have to say, I’ve been an even bigger fan of ever since).

In Conchita’s Ice Bucket Challenge, she sat on her famous purple sofa decked out in a faux fur jacket looking for all the world like “No, this isn’t going to happen”. And, of course, it did not.

After all, when you’re as perfectly put together as Conchita Wurst and, of course, are ‘all boy’ underneath that wig, make-up and clothes, the last thing you want to do is drench yourself in a bucket of ice cold water and potentially ruin the look and the illusion.

So, she thought of a way around it instead. A way that made her come off looking even ‘cooler’ than before, and that still helped raise a huge amount of money for the ALS cause.

And, one side note about this Conchita Wurst article and video. What was also interesting to me was how it showed just how many people really are completely unable to think out of the box, and are absolutely unimaginative when it comes to figuring out a solution to a challenge. After all, if you’re one of those people who left a comment saying “She cheated”, let me just say, you’re not ever likely to do much of importance in the world.

Because people who do amazing things, people like Conchita Wurst, they think outside of the box all the time. As only sheep do what they’re told.

conchita wurst debut album conchita review

7 — Review of Conchita Wurst’s debut album ‘Conchita’, yep, it’s perfect

Again, absolutely no surprise so many people read the review of her debut album ‘Conchita‘, as it took her a year to record and release it, and it eventually saw the light of day a few days before Eurovision 2015 took place in Vienna.

And, frankly, it even took me by surprise. Because I knew it was going to be good. Come on, she’s incredible in voice, talent and music taste, so how could it not be? But even I was taken aback by just how good it was. And how, even with a plethora of music styles on it that were so far removed from each other, it worked so well, it really was perfect.

This year alone, I’ve probably listened to a good 250 new albums, and I’ve yet to find one I like as much as hers. Many others have felt the same, and wanted to find out more.

conchita sexy tongue flick

6 — Conchita Wurst and that sexy tongue flick….thing

Of course, this list of top 10 most read Conchita Wurst articles would not be complete without this. My homage to her tongue flick…thing.

Because, come on, it’s the thing half the fandom goes crazy over. It’s the thing we look for, the thing we screenshoot, and the thing she would be incomplete without.

It’s sexy, it’s sweet, it would drive a grown man (and some women) to tears if it suddenly disappeared and, for me, it is a very good indication of her mood when she’s singing or giving interviews.

As for my ‘apology’ in this article. Let me just say, if you knew me at all, you’d know…that apology? It’s about as fake as me crawling underneath a desk in shame. As, sadly, I have little shame when it comes to what I write (or anywhere else for that matter either).

conchita wurst love her more

5 — Love Conchita Wurst? You’ll Love Her More After This

This article is about a video I came across filmed right after Conchita won Eurovision 2014, backstage, with her team and her friends, and it’s just so lovely in every conceivable way, I’ve rarely seen a nicer one.

Because it shows Conchita in those moments after the most important thing that had ever happened to her had just….happened. A moment when a lesser person might have been so caught up in being in the limelight they suddenly forgot about the people that helped make that happen.

Not Conchita, though. As here she is as concerned about her friends, her team and the people from ORF than she is about herself – stood in front of a wall of journalists, clutching a trophy like her life depends on it, smiling so wide her face might break, and hugging and hugging and hugging.

conchita wurst united nations

4. Conchita Wurst at the United Nations in Vienna

This one, of course, has had so many people reading it because Conchita’s appearance at the United Nations in Vienna, and her meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon really was that important.

It’s also a precursor, I think, to what Conchita Wurst will achieve in the future. Because I’ve always seen her as becoming a world star as a singer, but one whose work on human rights issues will become just as important as her singing career as time goes on.

I’ve said it here before, I’ve said it a thousand times since, I fully expect a Nobel Peace Prize in her future.

conchita wurst rules the world

3. How Conchita Wurst Ruled the World at Eurovision 2015

This article has been a heavy hitter for two simple reasons. One, Conchita Wurst was at Eurovision in Vienna, Austria. An event watched on TV by more than 200 million people, and an event Austria did a superb job putting on.

And two, she was so far beyond spectacular in absolutely everything she did — the singing, the hosting, the sweet and funny comments, the telling off of the audience for booing Russia’s Polina Gagarina and, of course, the flying — a large percentage of the planet wanted to find out more.

conchita wurst tattoos

2. What are Conchita Wurst’s tattoos all about?

Now these last two, and the ones that have had the most people reading them since they were published over a year ago and, in the case of the top most read article six months ago, just make me laugh.

That’s because every time she appears in a new country, or in a place she hasn’t been to before, these two articles shoot to the top of my most read articles that week. She’s in Glasgow for the first time next month. Expect them back at the top then too.

This one? It’s all about Conchita Wurst’s tattoos. As people are intrigued by that huge one on her back and, of course, the smaller two on both forearms. So, as soon as she appears on their TV sets or online wearing yet another beautiful and very revealing dress, they are rushing to the Internet to find out what those are all about.

is conchita wurst single no

1. Is Conchita Wurst single? Do you stand a chance?

And, of course, the most read article about Conchita Wurst should really come as a surprise to no-one.

After all, as soon as she appears in front of people who have either never seen her before or don’t know much about her, they are so head over heels in love just about instantly, they have to find out more.

Is she single? Does she have a husband? Is there a guy on the scene they now need to plot against, so they can eventually make her theirs?

Because that’s what she does to you. Bowls you over when you least expect it, and your life will never be the same again.

Now read or re-read these 10 most read Conchita Wurst articles, and feel free to leave comments below. About her, about these, or about any others that you love.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.

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