Virginia Ernst’s ‘Kiss’ Will Be Stuck in Your Head for Months – It’s Fabulous (Video)

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copyright, Virginia Ernst, Facebook

The awesome Austrian singer Virginia Ernst has a new single out. Called ‘Kiss‘, it begins with an acoustic guitar intro that, as soon as Ernst begins to sing, morphs into a simple, easy pop song. One of those pop songs where the singer has a slightly halting way of singing — so that her voice is almost singing the beats of the song.

I heard Virginia Ernst’s ‘Kiss‘ for the first time yesterday and, frankly, during the first verse I was thinking “No, I’m not a fan of this song”. Because I usually like my music complicated and epic.

And then, the chorus hit and suddenly I was in love. With the song, and it’s sweet sentiment, and with that fabulous chorus. Which now is stuck in my head so strongly, I’ve been singing ‘Kiss‘ all day.

Not only singing it, but listening to it on my walk to the supermarket today and back, and dancing a bit too. (Yep, if you were around northern Bangkok today, and you saw some crazy western woman doing a few dance steps down the street, that was me. And, yes, I was actually listening to music. It wasn’t just in my head).

virginia and stephanie
The incredibly talented Virginia Ernst and the adorable (and equally talented) Stephanie, (because, yes, she can dance) — copyright Virginia Ernst, Facebook

As for Virginia Ernst’s video for ‘Kiss‘, it’s lovely. She filmed it with her girlfriend, Stephanie Labhaas, and it follows the two of them from arriving at the dance studio for rehearsals for the video-end dance number, to walks around the beautiful city of Vienna, trips to the park, ice cream and, of course, that cute dance number at the end. All interspersed with clips of other people kissing.

The first few times I watched the video (oh yes, I’ve watched it over and over again because I love this song so much), by the time I got to the end of it I was in tears.

First, because it is the sweetest, happiest video, and Virginia and Stephanie are so obviously in love. And, second, because then you look at the YouTube ratings on it and, out of 316 ratings, you see 42 thumbs down. 42 thumbs down for what is the loveliest song.

Thumbs down, in most cases more than likely, for no other reason than that for a tiny second in time two gay women exchange a chaste kiss. Because, honestly, it’s just about impossible to dislike this song.

And I look at that and I think how sad it is that so many people still go through life filled with so much hate. Particularly targeted at the loveliest song that ends with the beautiful sentiment ‘Love Has No Limits’.

Because it doesn’t, does it. Love is love is love is love. And it doesn’t matter who you have it with. What matters is you have it.

Watch the video for Virginia Ernst’s wonderful ‘Kiss‘ below (and go to its’ YouTube page and thumbs it up), and then buy the song on iTunes. Virginia herself told me she hopes it goes international.

And I do too. As ‘Kiss’? It’s fabulous. And so is she.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.