Watch Conchita Wurst’s Live Rehearsal at Gugi Games in Linz, Austria (Video)

conchita wurst gugi games
Conchita might just be a tiny figure in the distance, but her voice was anything but small. Magnificent, I’d say.

Couldn’t get to Linz, Austria to see Conchita Wurst perform live at the opening of the Gugi Games on Monday? No problem. There’s a fabulous video just gone up on YouTube of Conchita’s rehearsal at the Gugi Games that shows off her absolutely stunning voice.

In fact, I’d have to say this video even shocked me, as I’ve always thought before she had an amazing voice, but didn’t realize just how amazing.

Just listen to the strength of Conchita Wurst’s voice during her rehearsal here, and feel how clear and rich it is. Which goes to show, in packed concert halls, you don’t always get the purest sound. Lovely. Just lovely.

Remember as well, even though her Gugi Games performance is now over, Conchita still has a few more concert dates in Europe in July and August, just in case one of them is in your area of the continent.


Update – Unfortunately, this wasn’t actually the rehearsal for the event, it was the actual event.

Due to the lack of audience I mistakenly presumed this was Conchita’s rehearsal, only to discover later the city where the event was held, Linz, did barely any advertising so they ended up with less than 2,500 people in a stadium that holds almost 14,000. Sad, isn’t it. Although, I stand by what I said, Conchita’s voice was stunning.

And, remember this, Conchita was just as professional and ‘on point’ here as if she’d been singing to a packed stadium. Now that’s professionalism.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.