When you look at musicians who are edgy, outspoken and just plain ‘different’, Miley Cyrus should be at the top of your list. After all, when it comes to doing whatever she wants and not caring what anyone thinks, Miley is Queen of the World.
So, when I watched the latest Miley Cyrus video ‘B B Talk‘, seeing her dressed in a diaper, rolling around on the floor sucking a pacifier and acting like a gigantic baby, it didn’t surprise me one bit.
‘B B Talk‘ is Miley Cyrus’s latest collaboration. This one is with the rock band The Flaming Lips, and is from her self-released album Miley Cyrus and her Dead Petz, a free album she released a couple of months ago, and one some critics didn’t like.
But I did. Then again, I like her.
The track ‘B B Talk‘ itself is awesome. It’s foul-mouthed, much of it is spoken word, the chorus and beat are fabulously catchy, and Miley’s voice on it is sexy, gravely and couldn’t be more honest.
Plus, she mouths just about every sentiment I have ever had when it comes to guys and their ‘baby talk’. I’m a woman. Not a two-year-old.
Watch Miley Cyrus and The Flaming Lips video ‘B B Talk‘ below. Love it or hate it, you have got to admit it’s different.