Conchita Wurst has three tattoos (……currently. Who knows? She’ll probably get more). One tattoo on each forearm and one on her back, which starts at the bottom of her neck and works its way down. Tattoos that, to me at least, make her look even more beautiful and more interesting than she would be without them.
So what do Conchita’s tattoos signify? And why did she get them?
Conchita Wurst’s right forearm tattoo – This tattoo is the first tattoo Conchita ever got and it’s a solid black tattoo of The Little Mermaid. The first song Conchita learnt by heart was from Disney’s The Little Mermaid when she was little so, as an adult, when it came time to get a tattoo she said she wanted something that she could “associate with music”.
As she felt as though The Little Mermaid had had a huge part in her decision to become a singer, she said it was clear “the little redhead must be immortalized on my skin”. Cute, eh?
Conchita Wurst’s left forearm tattoo – As she told an interviewer on the red carpet at the Eurovision Song Contest in May, the tattoo on her left forearm is made up of the first initials of her mother, father and brother. Shows how much she loves and values her family, doesn’t it?
Watch the video below for Conchita’s own explanation.
Conchita Wurst’s back tattoo – Her largest tattoo is on her back. Starting at the base of her neck and continuing to almost the middle of her back, the tattoo is an all black tattoo of her mother, Helga, in a diamond frame. It has a teardrop falling from the bottom of it and the sun rising from the top.
Conchita says Helga is the most important person in the world to her, so she wanted to honour her with a tattoo. She also joked she told her mother she endured the pain of getting the tattoo in respect of the pain her mother had to endure giving birth to her.
In reality, she said her mother doesn’t really like tattoos so she felt it was probably a good idea to “tell her that”.
Of course, Conchita’s mother Helga won anyway, as the amount of time she spent in childbirth was much longer than the time Conchita spent getting the tattoo. And the pain was probably a lot worse as well.
Personally, I love Conchita Wurst’s tattoos. They’ve even given me an idea of the subject of the tattoo I’m going to be getting in the next few weeks. I’ll post a photograph of it here as soon as I have. But I’m sure you’re going to like it.
Update – Here’s the tattoo I finally got yesterday – a beard – and, of course, it’s all because of Conchita.
Update – September 20th – Conchita has a fabulous new Questions and Answers’ section up on her YouTube channel and one of this week’s fan questions was ‘What is the meaning of your tattoos?” and she nicely answered it. Watch the video below as, obviously, she explains that better than I can.