What is song on My Dearest, Ep 2 sung by Ryang Eum and played over end credits?

Photo courtesy MBC TV

During Episode 2 of the new Korean historical drama My Dearest, Lee Jang Hyun (played by Namkoong Min) dresses Yoo Gil Chae (Ahn Eun Jin) as a boy, and takes her to an entertainment house to listen to a singer.

And when the singer Ryang Eum (Kim Yoon Woo) begins to sing, Gil Chae falls in love with the beautiful song and with his gorgeous voice.

What is the song sung on My Dearest, Episode 2 by Ryang Eum (Kim Yun Woo) at both the entertainment house and at the 60th anniversary ceremony for the old couple?

The same song that begins playing as the enemy invasion and the kidnapping of the King is announced. It then also plays over the end credits of My Dearest, Episode 2.

What is the song Ryang Eum sings on My Dearest, Episode 2?

The song is a classic-sounding romantic ballad that, when played over the end credits, also features a lovely piano intro.

The ballad is called ‘With my Heart‘ and is performed by Kai, a South Korean singer who is known for being part of the Korean-Chinese boy band Exo.

In Korean, the song’s title is ‘다만 마음으로만’ and is one of the most beautiful songs I have heard on a Korean drama in quite a while.

The gorgeous ballad has just been officially released on the My Dearest Original Television Soundtrack, Pt. 1, along with an instrumental version of the song.

Its’ lyrics portray the feelings of a man who is so in love, he quietly waits for the woman he loves with the hope that she will eventually arrive on the road he is watching.

Meanwhile, he keeps his love for her in his heart while continuing to wait as long as it takes for her to arrive.

A premonition of what we can probably expect in future episodes of My Dearest as it appears very likely, after Lee Jang Hyun and Yoo Gil Chae fall in love, they will be separated and potentially lost to each other.

Listen to Kai’s ‘With my Heart‘ from My Dearest, Episode 2 in the video and via Spotify below, where you can also hear the instrumental version of the song.

The Korean historical drama My Dearest airs on MBC TV every Friday and Saturday evening, and on Viki outside South Korea.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.