‘Conchita Rockt Amadeus’ 13-part video series kicks off today with ‘Song des Jahres’

Conchita Rockt Amadeus‘ 13-part video series kicks off today with ‘Song des Jahres‘ category

Austrian singer Conchita, aka Tom Neuwirth, is hosting the Amadeus Austrian Music Awards this month for the first time. An honor for her but, something she is so damned good at, this year’s awards show should be far more interesting than normal.

But, not content to just show up and host the awards show, Conchita, or in this case Tom Neuwirth as it was his idea, decided to put together a series of 13 videos for her YouTube channel.

Videos that will take a look at the nominated artists in each of the 13 Amadeus awards categories, while Conchita gives her ‘5-cents opinion’ on them.

The drawback to the majority of Conchita’s fans is the videos are in German, and don’t come with subtitles. So what she says about the artists in these 13 categories — well, your guess is as good as mine.

Related: Conchita’s ‘This Is Me‘ live at Berlin Brandenburger Tor on New Year’s Eve shows we’re in for a helluva ride in 2018

Then again, the videos are filmed for the Austrian market, as Austrians are the vast majority of those that will watch the awards.

That being said, most of the time someone does come up with subtitles eventually, and so each video will likely end up with them. Until then, if you don’t speak German, you get to watch Conchita, and guess at what she’s saying.

So, let’s get down to it.

Conchita rockt Amadeus Video #1 – Song Des Jahres (Song of the Year)

The first video in the series, released today, is Conchita watching the five videos for the Song Des Jahres (Song of the Year) category. It features Bilderbuch, Wanda, Pizzera & Jaus, RAF Camora and Ina Regen.

Bilderbuch with ‘Bungalow — With this one we learn, if the video has a half-naked guy in it, or even one that is remotely attractive, Conchita’s mind has already wandered off into places unknown. This theme reoccurs through various other parts of her video as well.

Well…I could have told you that already.

“His name isn’t Markus?”

Wanda with ‘Columbo — The first time I snorted with laughter while watching Conchita’s video was when she got to Wanda.

Wanda is one of the most popular indie pop bands in Austria at the moment. Conchita has apparently been calling the lead singer Michael Marco Fitzhum, aka Marco Michael Wanda, ‘Markus’ for I don’t even know how long.

I’m guessing cute-ish, beard, nice enough body — “Markus, Marco, whatever:”  🙂 🙂 🙂

Pizzera & Jaus with ‘Eine ins Leben — The first 2 seconds of the video. Literally an average looking guy with a beard, who looks no different than most of the men in Austria, blowing into a mic.

“So sexy”, mutters Conchita to herself, and then covers her face with her hands in shame.

Yep, the girl has a one-track mind.

RAF Camora with ‘Primo — Let’s hope Conchita hasn’t met this guy yet because, if she has, RAF Camaro was apparently his name.

She also gets into hip hop just about as much as I do from the bemused look on her face through part of the video.

That fact is compounded even more when she looks at the view count on the video and exclaims ‘Sechsundzwanzig Millionen views (26 million views) — Are you kidding me?” .

Nope, Conchita, I don’t understand it either.

Ina Regen with ‘Wie a Kind — This artist and this song, of course, is the one Conchita hopes will win the Song des Jahres category at the Amadeus Awards. You can’t really blame her.

Because Ina Regen is a close friend of Conchita’s as, before going solo late last year with her very successful debut single release ‘Wie a Kind‘, Ina was one of Conchita’s backing singers.

Their relationship even goes back as far as when Conchita entered Austria’s National Final in a bid to represent the country at the Eurovision Song Contest, 2012, and then came in second.

Ina was right there with her on stage at the time, singing backing vocals.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.

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