Conchita Wurst Gets Her Beard Kissed by OUTtv’s Marleen van Oortmarssen (Video)

kissing conchita wurst's beard

Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst was a big success during her recent trip to Amsterdam for Gay Pride. So much so, TV and radio stations were falling all over themselves to interview her. The delightful Marleen van Oortmarssen from OUTtv was one of the journalists able to meet Conchita and to get one of the cutest interviews with the Austrian singer I’ve seen in a while. So cute, I swear I’ve watched it 10 times.

Marleen began the interview by sweetly confessing she’d “fallen a little bit in love” with Conchita during and after her performance at Eurovision and that, if she didn’t already have a girlfriend, she would date her immediately.

And, yes, it was fun to see Conchita’s initial reaction to this declaration of love, although she did recover quite well.

On a more serious note, the Austrian singer was also asked about gay pride and how winning the Eurovision Song Contest in May changed her life. One of the ways, she said, was she now feels so free in an artistic way.

The cutest part of the OUTtv interview, however, was when Ms. van Oortmarssen asked if she could kiss Conchita’s beard. You’ll have to watch the video below to see what happened next, but it really was adorable.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.