The Korean mystery crime thriller The Frog only premiered on Netflix on August 23rd and, by August 25th, was already the fourth most-watched show on the Netflix Top 10 Non-English TV Shows chart for the period August 19th to August 25th.
The Frog climbed up to the 4th spot in just two days after being watched more than 2 million times for a total of 15.2 million hours viewed.
It was one of three Korean dramas on the Top 10 chart this week, with Love Next Door climbing to #2 from #5, while Romance in the House dropped from last week’s #1 to this week’s #5.
The Frog‘s cast and plot
The Frog is a limited series (8 episodes) that stars Kim Yoon Sook, Yoon Kye Sang, Go Min Si, and Lee Jung Eun.
The psychological thriller follows two men — Jeon Young Ha and Koo Sang Jun — one living in 2021 and one in 2000. Both live happy lives in the countryside, with one running a pension while the other runs a motel.
Their tranquil life is destroyed, however, when a similar disturbing incident, just two decades apart, occurs to both men. An incident that sends both of their lives into a tragic freefall.
Watch all eight episodes of The Frog on Netflix now.
Just be aware, the first three episodes are quite slow in places but, once it gets into the real craziness, the remainder of the Korean drama is absolutely superb.