Listen to WILDES ‘Let You Go’ from The Resident, Season 4, Episode 5 — that stupidly written episode

WILDES ‘Let You Go‘ one of the few good things about this now abysmal show

As I mentioned in my post about another song on this week’s episode of the medical drama The Resident, the music is just about the only thing keeping me interested in this now stupidly written series.

Especially as it is such a waste of the exceptional talent appearing in the show.

I mean come on, the hospital is shutting down and condominiums will be built in its place.

No, wait!! The county can take over and the doctors are going to run it!??? Oh and no worries, Mina’s visa problems will be sorted out as well.

Sure, that’s completely realistic.

Thankfully, the medical drama’s music supervisor is still grabbing some stellar songs to musically illustrate this abysmal show, including WILDES ‘Let You Go’, which showed up on last night’s episode — The Resident, Season 4, Episode 5, “Home Before Dark“.

The song was played as the doctors are trying to save the lives of Nic and her unborn child.

British multi-instrumentalist, singer songwriter WILDES ‘Let You Go‘ is the title track from her 2020 five-track EP of the same name.

The song is WILDES usual perfection — a gorgeous melody, a heart-grabbing piano and, of course, her beautifully emotional vocals.

Unfortunately, WILDES, aka Ella Walker, currently has just two EPs out. Isn’t it about time we got a full-length album from this indie pop artist that never disappoints?

Listen to WILDES ‘Let You Go’ as heard on The Resident last night in the video and on her new EP to hear what I mean.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.