The ongoing Korean historical drama Missing Crown Prince, Episode 11 aired last night to another all-time ratings high as the MBN series kicked off its second half.
This time, (via data from Nielsen Korea), Missing Crown Prince, Episode 11 earned 3.78 percent, a nice increase from Episode 10’s audience share of 3.08 percent, and a big increase from the rating the K-drama earned for its first episode back in April — 1.45 percent.
It was also the second most-watched drama on cable TV on Saturday, with only The Atypical Family beating it to the top spot.
In other words, with nine more episodes still to air, the little engine that could that is Missing Crown Prince is still nicely chugging up that ratings track.
The drama also experienced decent ratings results from audiences in Seoul, garnering 3.31 percent of the viewership — up from the previous episode’s 2.47 percent.
Missing Crown Prince ratings from international viewers
Ratings from international viewers, however, are a mixed bag.
Over on IMDB, the Korean drama is rated a low 7.3 out of 10, while the historical drama is currently earning a quite low rating of 7.9 out of 10 from users on My Drama List.
However, viewers on Viki, where the Korean drama is streaming, are rating the Suho-led drama much higher, with it currently being rated a 9.4 out of 10 on the platform.
Missing Crown Prince stars Suho, Hong Ye Ji, Myung Se Bin, Kim Joo Hun, and Kim Min Kyu.
The next episode of Missing Crown Prince airs/streams tonight on MBN in South Korea at 21:40 (KST), with Viki also streaming the latest episode for its subscribers.
Let’s see if it is able to grab another ratings high then.